Framed Postcards - Ambassador Hotel
I was in Milwaukee for most of last month. I stayed at the Ambassador hotel downtown a couple nights. It doesn't look like much on the outside, but step inside and it's a time warp to the 1930's.
I have a few cards of the Ambassador from the 40's and 50's myself, but it was great to see a framed collection of cards displayed prominently in the lobby.
I like how they have the back of one of the mailed cards showing the message. I get a lot of requests for duplicate cards so folks can display both sides of the card. Most view cards, especially hotels, have some descriptive text on the back (owners, phone numbers, rates) so they make for nice front & back displays.
I think of postcards as works of art - so framing them as such makes perfect sense to me. Of course many topical (Oilettes for example) and Artist Signed cards were in fact prints of original artwork, but even Linens and Chrome cards have a level of artistry not seen in many modern cards.

I like how they have the back of one of the mailed cards showing the message. I get a lot of requests for duplicate cards so folks can display both sides of the card. Most view cards, especially hotels, have some descriptive text on the back (owners, phone numbers, rates) so they make for nice front & back displays.

my uncle would like to meet people who like motel postcards from Miami Beach in the 50s and 60s.